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man that looks like absolute shit compared to the original

going for wayyyyy too much of a like stupid humor thing constantly. the original film was awesome because not only were the scientists in it funny but they were SOMEWHAT believable. Bill Murray doesn't have to constantly yell stupid stuff and try too hard to accomplish being funny. in this new trailer none of the females seemed believable as scientist's, nor did they everrrr seem serious :O it seems like more of a parody of Ghostbusters or an extended SNL skit

I think the casting is wrong too. I know its the same director as from "Bridesmaids" and I can't help but feel the humor and dynamic of the trailer gave a strong 'Bridesmaids' + ghosts vibe. Casting McCartyh and Wiig was a mistake in my opinion, they do the same humor over and over and over again and it gets old (although I did love Bridesmaids).

I think better female leads would have been like Sandra Bullock or Tina Fey, actresses that are great at pulling off both comedy and drama (because, again, the scientists in Ghostbusters are supposed to somewhat serious like a littleeee bit of the time).

its concerning when like none of the jokes in a TRAILER hit and fall flat. I mean trailers for comedies usually put the best jokes in them to reel in viewers. which reminds me, this new film seems to think that Ghosbusters was a pure comedy? it wasn't! it was comedic but there were some genuinely eeiry moment, like in the library and with the possession of Sigourney Weaver. This trailer and new version looks like a spoof haha

I do find it odd that the trailer seems so generic. If you're going to make a new Ghostbusters movie I feel like you either have to respect the original and pay homage to it by getting the vibe right OR go off in a totally new direction with crazy things- neither is the case. its just like a bland overly stupid comedic thing

I was originally excited when I heard about this, I thought the female lead thing could be interesting, but it looks like they went in a shit direction with this. Not sure who's more to blame- the director or the casting producer