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I don't get how free will can be an argument. First of all, an almighty and all-knowing being can make lifeforms that have free will and at the same time are forever happy. No problem whatsoever. Because said being is all-knowing and almighty, it will always know what will happen next, free will or not.

Secondly, an almighty and all-knowing being could also create lifeforms with free will that will never even think about doing anything bad whatsoever. Seriously, when we're talking about all-powerful, there is no limit. This so-called God from various religions can break each and every rule of physics. It can travel faster than light, back and forth in time and really has no reason to not make the world absolutely perfect. It could even make a rock that is so heavy that even itself can't lift it. Yes, that's paradox, but no problem for an almighty being, right? So even the slightest imperfection is by all means a sign that God is not perfect at all. If it exists. Which I doubt.

My honest opinion: The possible existence of an almighty God is just as terrifying as the existence of a God without absolute power. So not only do I not believe in any God. I also seriously hope that there is none.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.