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Who but a true fanboy would figure it even matters that the games are played on a Sony TV, or that it should be a strange thing. I have a Wii and an Xbox 360. And a 52" LCD Sony Bravia TV. So what of it? What is that supposed to mean?

Oh, maybe that I am not someone that only buys something because of the brand name on it.


And yeah, like some people have mentioned, there is no way he's even played all of those games.  Or else he's played only a tiny bit of all of them.  I play 2-3 hours of games a night, more on weekends, and I can't keep up with the 50 or so games I have of my current gen systems.  I have about 2 dozen games queued up, that I really want to play, but haven't gotten to yet. 

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)