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JRPGfan said:
joeorc said:
There is clustering inside their new SOC's, and its just not hyperthreaded. Or virtual cores these are full processing cores.

Already in Samsung galaxy7 it contains a GPU that full supports Vulkan full Api!

That is the main thing .also take a look at the Ram access speed, and smartphones this year are going to already ship with 8GB of ram!

If you go with A80 single board computing boards pico-itx design boards they are already past the xbox360 & PS3 and the cost is quite a bit cheaper. $72.00 boards brand new.

There is no doubt what Arm holdings is saying is Quite true.

Yes there is.  When they say stupid crap like Smartphones more powerfull than a PS4. Quite true my arse.

The best "mobile chip" so far is probably Nvidias Shield Tv X1.

But thats not a smart phone chip (its a tablet chip for a mini console), and its barely better (if it actually is) than a Playstation 3.

It uses waaaay more than 3watts of power (19watts in the picture above).


Getting Vulkan API is great for smart phones, so is faster ram access speeds, or memorybandwdith going up.

But you wont see a mobile phone with 176 GB/s Memory bandwidth or 1,84+ Teraflops of compute power.

That while is a awesome system is or has no way near the most powerful or best mobile SOC.not even close.


As for that A80 chips not in smart phones? It is indeed already in tablets & smartphone's


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.