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Maybe Im wrong (I wouldnt mind), but I dont think we ll see it so soon.
Even if smart phones get more powerfull really fast, there arnt any yet that are at the level of the PS3 right?

Look at Nvidia Shield X1.
Its got 512 Flops of compute graphics power, vs the 1.84 Teraflops of the PS4.
The Nvidia Shield X1 uses around 10-15watts of power (its a tablet chip, used in a mini console)

That means its roughly 1/4th the power of a Playstation 4.
And at 10-15watts, which would be too much for a smart phone (usually 3watts or lower).

I just dont see how they could make such big leaps in performance, within 10years time, to allow smart phones to be more powerfull than playstation 4s.

I think its Marketing, they love to say crazy shyt and over hype products.
This is just that, its not something thats going to happen soon.


I think soon we ll see Smart Phones that are faster than the Playstation 3.

PS4? no... thats more than 10years from now.