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So, unrealistic NX rumors are a thing now, so I wanted to share my NX rumor. It's 100% real and you can trust me.

So, let's start:

Yesterday I was in Redmond close to the NoA headquarters. On the street I met NoA president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime and I asked him if he wants to go to a Cafe and drink a cappucino with me. Of course Reggie agreed. After we ordered our cappucino, I asked him if he can tell me something about NX. Of course Reggie said that he can tell me more about NX. He said that it's the next generation oven and microwave from Nintendo. But with a little change: You can play games on them while you wait until your food is ready to eat. One of the launch titles will be a new Cooking Mama game. I asked him if Zelda is also going to be on NX. Reggie said that they are currently working on it but it could be that the microwave NX is too weak to run the game. After we paid for our cappucino and left the Cafe he said to me that he can show me thr NX. So we went to the NoA headquarters and entered a room full of microwaves and ovens. For the first time ever I saw the NX controller: It is split into three parts: a spoon, a knife and a fork. Reggie said that NX is going to change the entire industry and will be an even bigger revolution than the Virtual Boy once was. I asked Reggie if he can give me a "NX Deluxe Bundle" containing the oven NX, the microwave NX and the NX controller set as well as the all new Cooking Mama game. Reggie answered: "You only want one Deluxe bundle? Well, I give you ten of them". So I ordered a huge transporter to bring all these NX systems to my home. After that I said good bye to Reggie and went home.

Are you hyped for the NX? As I said before: 100% real sources. You can trust me. My uncle who works at Nintendo can also confirm this.


UPDATE: Aonuma talked about food in the latest interview about Zelda Wii U. Does that mean my microwave & oven rumor is real?