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Azuren said:
A lot of really good points being thrown around. I would say that the vast majority feel that Xbox is here to stay.

Probably will. I wouldn't be surprised if it left, though.

Xbox needed vasts amounts of money to shoehorn it's way in the console market. You have to build a decent product, create/buy first party studios, build/buy exclusive software and then market the hell out of it. 

Going up against Nintendo and PlayStation you better have a huge budget. That period where they NEED to spend crazy amounts ended half way through the 7th gen. The platform can sustain itself.

They have built a brand that can stand up to PlayStation and Nintendo, can sustain itself and bring in profit and is a household name Why the hell would they throw that all away? It's even more insane to think they would ditch Xbox when they have spent billions getting the brand off the ground and had the best part of a decade reaping profits from it.

Will it adapt, sure! Whatever their plans to extract more money from us, Xbox will more than likely be at the heart of it. Of course it's possible they could ditch it for Windows, hell we could see Steambox style mini PCs called something like Windowsbox. We could even see a service/hardware renamed to Windows Xbox. But my opinion is that they will stick with the Xbox brand.