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Barkley said:

As for mobile devices matching the PS4 and XBO in power by 2017? I still doubt it by the end of 2018 perhaps, though the games just aren't there for mobile yet so home consoles aren't under any threat, and Handhelds aren't completely doomed yet.

Think about it a little more.

The PS4 is 90-100w of power usage, on 28nm.

How are you going to get that down to 3watts limit most smart phones have? in just 2 years? your not.

Even with 28nm --> 14nm FinFETs, you wont gain more than a 50% reduction in power consumption.

that 90watts the PS4 uses -> 45watts in about a years time or so.


To get a PS4 down to 3 watts for a smart phone,... you would need new technology, better than what we re useing now to make chips.

I dont even think at 7nm (which intel might at some point reach) will be able to make a PS4 use that little power.


You want a smart phone as strong as the PS4? give it 20-30 years and MAYBE... you ll see it then.