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curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

I am not sure overpower is the right word though.

Say Rockstar had infinite money. Made GTAVI for PS3/360 and Mobile putting as much into the game as possible. Would the mobile version be better in the majority of aspects?

Assuming is had a similar amount of resources committed to it as the PS3/360 versions, I see no reason why it couldn't.

The capability is there; high end mobile GPUs have more Gigaflops than last gen consoles and support more modern feature sets like DX11, tesselation, geometry shaders, etc.

It'd drain your battery pretty fast, but it'd still work.

I don't know much about mobile hardware.

But I believe not due to physics. The size of the phone cannot handle everything that goes on in a GTAVI game. Are there any Mobile games that surpass PSP or Vita yet?

Much easier benchmark then the PS3 or 360.

Problem with phones is efficiency with OS, GPU, RAM, and even harddrive space. Imagine the GTAVI patch would take up more space then the entire phone has space for.