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So much hate in this thread... especially when talking about so many great movies.

I think I really liked every movie that has been compared thus far, except the really old ones that I've never seen. I mean, why do people even bring up those movies any more?

Titanic, Avatar were awesome. You're crazy if you don't like them.
All Star Wars movies were awesome and the craziness of comparing TFA to ANH is just silly. Did you not watch PM? Each retells the same overall story with a different Skywalker.

I saw TFA twice in theaters. May go again.. idk April is when movie is supposed to hit bluray/digital so I'll likely wait until then. You know what else I own on bluray? All six SW movies and Avatar. You know what I don't own? Titanic or those refuse to be named before my time movies. Though I did watch Avatar twice in theaters too. Not Titanic. Just once but a few times on dvd.