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Chris Hu said:
Lawlight said:

You do realise that Titanic didn't have the luxury of the Chinese market? You also do realise that ticket prices are higher now than then?

I think you need to check box office mojo, Titanic did play in China but it only managed to make $43 million there.  Titanic's success is overblown one of the main reasons it made all that money because it stayed in theaters for a long ass time (287 days).  It might have been the first movie to cross $600 million domestically but it will also always be the slowest movie to get to $600 million dollars since pretty much no movie gets even close to being in theaters for over 200 days now.

You cannot compare the Chinese boxoffice from back to the current one. This past week, China just had the biggest boxoffice grossing a week ever - more that during the week of TFA's release in the US+Canada.

Titanic stayed in theatres because people kept going to watch it - do you think it would have still been playing if no one was going? The movie made $28M in its 8th week-end compared to TFA's $6M. Titanic just had amazing legs.