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During an interview with, Lead Designer of Gears of War, Cliff Bleszinski aka “Cliffy B,” gave some insight on what to expect from Gears of War 2. He didn’t reveal much, but my god, from what he did reveal it became clear this game is going to rock. A breakdown on what he said is shown below.

  • Gears 2 will feature 5-on-5 multiplayer. There will also be more multiplayer maps and modes from straight out the box.
  • About executions:
    • Chainsaw duels can end in a draw, but only occasionally.
    • The curb stomp is back.
    • Players are no longer invulnerable when performing executions; a welcome addition.
    • Once a duel is over, the actual chainsawing is faster, making the entire duel last about as long as a normal chainsaw kill.
  • Players who are down and in need of reviving can now crawl away by pressing the “A” button rapidly.
  • Cliffy B is promising lots and lots of blood. The example he gave was Marcus will leave trails of blood on the wall when he is in cover while injured.
  • Players will be able to drive the new Centaur tank. He also said there will be more vehicle sections and not just a tank. Flying maybe? We hope so.
  • Carmine, yes Carmine, who in Cliffy B words is a “Fan Favorite,” will return in the sequel. He won’t say how or why, but he confirms that Carmine will be back. I wonder what tablets he took after that headache.

There you go. Not much, but what he did say leaves us wanting more; much more. Gears of War 2 will arrive this November exclusively on Xbox 360.


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"Good games come and go, but Gears is forever"