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CGI-Quality said:
Mr Puggsly said:

My view point is simply having the all time greatest selling console ever and a mega popular handheld console at the same time was bigger than PS4 alone. During that period there was more hype surrounding all of Sony's tech.

Again, Vita was part of the brand and it got left in the dust. Any way you slice it was a failure for Playstation. Its a cool gaming device released at the wrong time, Sony couldn't find a market for it.

I'd argue that PS3 was also a"failure", in some regards. What came of it? A record selling sequel. 

What moron thinks the PS3 was a failure? lmao smh A console that had a PC in the console with a browser, Apps, blu-ray player, PS Home, PS+ & a ton of awesome games. Also the models from 2006-2010 had the Other OS option for Linux (YDL or Ubuntu) which was an amazing feature!

The PS3 ended up surpassing the 360 in worldwide sales around 2011 or so after coming out a full year after & costing twice the price for a while $600. That was a major accomplishment & win for Sony. Now compared to the PS2 it was a failure, but then so is every console in history lol. That said, the PS4 is killin' it & retook the UK & USA from Microsoft which had a 60%-40% lead on Sony in those territories during the reign of the 360 vs PS3. That said, PS3 still ended up catching & passing the 360 last generation. So Sony owns the console market & seems it always will. PSX-PS4 1995-2016 & beyond....