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Man, not much love for the original, non-remade versions of Red and Blue. I didn't expect that. Usually, games as beloved as Pokemon (Mario, Zelda etc), their first games are cherished as classics. I guess the first Pokemon games were popular because the basic concept was just totally fresh and interesting? Are those of you who think they suck, are you guys old enough to have played the original FIRST? Because if not, that might be why there's so much backlash against them. 

Einsam_Delphin said:
If you absolutely must play the originals, then yeah it's better to start with them as once you play the newer games you'll realize how terrible Red & Blue are.

Well, that was the plan. I don't know how else I'd appreciate the improvments if I never played the original games. Although, again, I don't know how a game that was so beloved could be "terrible". People don't think the first Mario is terrible. This whole thing seems odd to me.