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leyendax69 said:
vivster said:
I do believe there is a real possibility. But I laugh at the face of everyone who thinks they visited earth at some point.

Actually I find it hard to believe that people on the earth is remotely close to be the most advanced civilization of the universe. So if humanity was able to go to the moon and explore/collect information about other planets it's almost a given that beings from other planets came at some point.


Now I do agree that they probable don't care enough about us to come every day like some people think. I mean... Why would I watch ants the entire day?

Why did we go to the moon? Because it was the brightest and closest object we could visit. We hadn't even discovered the last planet in our own solar system up until a few weeks ago. There are billions and billions of galaxies in this universe and within these there are billions of billions of stars which could have planets. But you can't even detect those planets unless you're really really close to them. So unless you're telling me that those aliens have discovered how to break the laws of physics there is 0 chance that they have even noticed our galaxy, let alone our solar system. Them finding us by chance even if they were already in the same galaxy would be like winning in the lottery a million times in a row.

Next step is time. The existence of our planet in time is about a tiny fart compared to the age of the universe. And an even smaller fart of that fart is the existence of life on this planet. And now take an even smaller fart and that's humans. And modern humans with radio technology are an even smaller fart of that. Our first radio signals haven't even penetrated our own galaxy yet. So we aren't even detectable yet outside of this galaxy, no matter how advanced and how physics breaking their technology is. That doesn't make our radio signals faster. So to actually find and contact us they must've been in a very very close proximity to pinpoint us of about 100 light years to actually discover us within our lifetime. I'm not even taking into account that it's impossible to track a single ray of electro magnetic power is even detectable among all the other radiation in space unless they know our exact frequencies. And even if they detected us it would take another hundred or thousand of years to actually reach us. Those time frames mean nothing in the vastness of space.

As far as we know there could've been a trillion of other species in this universe who all died out a million years ago.

I'm not even gonna start about the big impact it would have had if aliens discovered life forms on this planet. Since they're technologically advanced that means they have scientific minds, which means they would study us, terraform the planet or do whatever, maybe place us in a zoo or leave gigantic monitoring equipment.

So no, anyone who has an idea of how big space is and has only the slightest regards for the laws of physics knows that it's practically impossible for an alien race to have visited us. Maybe if we survive a few hundred million years we will be able to meet some aliens outside of our galaxy.

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