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Intrinsic said:
Smear-Gel said:
Hasnt it been proven as not affecting AAA games as much as people like to believe?

We always go back to the Game of Thrones argument. One of the most pirated TV shows ever and still an absolutely massive ratings success.

TV show? that's just crazy reasoning. 

The primary modus of consumption for a TV show is you guessed it; on a TV. To pirate it it would mean that you are no matter what, not gonna watch it live. So if you wanna watch it live you just watch it on TV as you would anyyhing else you watch on TV. And the TV show "ratings" business model is completely different from that of game software. And I'm not even going to bother going into that. 

Games on the other hand, is a whole different affair. First of, a pirated game is an exact digital copy of that game. There is no difference between it and the original. Only difference is that one person pays for it and another doesn't. But let's put things in perspective. Games (not free to play ad supported games) primary: no scratch that..... ONLY income source is from sales of the game or content affiliated to the game (dlc). A sale, even of 1 or 10 or 1M lost to piracy is a slae lost period. 

Yes, not every pirate would have bought the game, but there are also thousands that could have bought the game but wouldn't because they can just pirate the fuck outta it. 

But as I always say when it comes to piracy, and will say to you too; if you spent 2-3 or in some cases 7yrs of your life making a game, making content. How would you feel about 10 people hopping onto some site and downloading your game for free?

Honestly, I sincerely believe anyone that Is pro piracy in anyway is probably a pirate and is just selfishly defending their vile habit. Not calling names or pointing anyone out. This is just what I think. Cause I can't even start to imagine how anyone can be so ignorant to not see how obviously bad game piracy is for a medium that has such a heavy sale dependent revenue source. 

I just defended piracy by saying it's harm is overstated and you say "anyone that Is pro piracy in anyway is probably a pirate and is just selfishly defending their vile habit." But then say you're not naming names. Lame. Just say that you mean the people in this thread and how there is no possibility they could have this different opinion unless they are selfish jerks.


Plus, it's pretty easy to defend it. I was a super poor kid. If I didnt download Pokemon Emerald as a kid I might not have become a big enough pokemon fan and eventually buy every game in Gens 5 and 6. If I couldnt have downloaded it, I would have had absolutely no other way to get it at all. A friend gave me a physical copy years later but used games are in the same boat as piracy anyways. And he only gave me because I was interested in it, and only became interested because I played it as a kid. Plus, besides this paragraph I never defended piracy, I just said it's not ruining games as much as a lot of other things are right now.


Anyways, the TV show statement was a more general statement based on piracy on a whole.  Saying a sale lost to piracy is a sale lost period is simply wrong, as there are numerous people who would never buy the game, due to it being unavailable in thier country, them not being able to ever afford it or simply just being tightwads who dont want to pay.


Sales arent a game's only source of income. There's tie in deals, and in some cases, physical media and merchendice for larger games.


It would stink if people took my stuff for free. That's not the argument though. The argument is that there are numerous games where the effect is much less than people think. And it the impack definitely changes the bigger the franchise. An indie game will take a major hit from piracy but a company selling 8 million of a game will take a much tinier hit.

eimTime said:
Ultrashroomz said:

It's bound to be cracked eventually, sure it might take a very long time, but hackers always find a way.

Do you think a lack of piracy will result in an increase in sales? Tough question since you can't compare the same game both with and without piracy to a tee.


You know what, the more I think about it, 3DM probably just stopped because they couldn't crack Denuvo and grew lazy. "Measuring sales" would be impossible lol

Dont forget, Denuvo is apparently super expensive. Not every company can afford it. Some might find the sales lost from piracy to be less expensive than getting it in the long run.