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Davman said:

Western developers are now better than japanese : Fallout , Mass Effect , Elder Scrolls , Dragon Age , Witcher e.t.c

I play Fallout 4 atm , the next one i will pick up is one from those : Final Fantasy XIII-3 , Witcher 3 , Valkyria Chronicles or Xenoblade Chronicles X. (Haven't decided yet)

If you just want photorealistic free for all reality simulators with no soul or story sure...

I enjoy games like Fallout but western games cannot beat the tragedy and suspense of stuff like Xenoblade Chronicles (first one) or the heartwarming tales of stuff like Ni no Kuni.  There's just a magic in JRPGs that you will not find in western games which often appeal to the lowest common denominator American casual gamer who looks at graphics and world size first and lean more towards guns and action in a FPS format.

I dig western RPGs for the exploring and free roaming and piecing the back story of a post apocolyptic world from undiscovered records and logs of places I discover, eg, Fallout, but when I want to feel my manovaries leaking and give myself an emotional breakdown, nothing beats a tragic JRPG with a sweeping symphony string musical score and dramatic voice acting and spine tingling plot twists and heavy meaning of life type story revelations.