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While Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is one of m favorite Wii games of all time
Whilst its one of m favorite game of all time
Whilst its one of those things I mention whenever some tryhard calls the Wiimote a gimmick that added nothing to gaming
Whilst I would LOVE to see more from Treasure.
Whilst I would very well love to see their interpretation of Star Fox
Whilst I would love to play Star Fox with wiimote controls

You don't simply slap an Arwing into a S&P game and say that's how Star Fox should be. For one thing, Star Fox was never simply on rails shooter and people really need to get that out of their heads. Isa and Kacchi a very slow moving throughout most of the game and the action relies on you being slower paced while the enemies swarm you. Movement, traversal and overall gameplay is very different because of that reason.
Yes Star Fox 64 was majorly on rails, but it was never meant to stick to that formula and should never stick to that formula. At best it should be more like Kid Icarus Uprising's flight levels, which if I recall correctly started off as a Star Fox game.
S&P really should get more recognition and installations in the series and in terms of on rails it blows Star Fox out of the water, but Star Fox should never simply aim to emulate it.