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ookaze said:
Classical MS tactics : vaporware.
Unfortunately for them, like with the Zune promises, this will basically be ineffective.
The only effect it would have would be to prevent XB360 owners from buying a Wii, and rather waiting for the peripheral. I'm not even sure that would work either.

 So you think Microsoft is intentionally leaking these rumors to try and hold back Wii and PS3 sales? Seriously? I am fairly certain these rumors will end up going no where at this point. I t was all supposed to be revealed at ganer's day, but now it is supposed to be revealed at E3. After E3 it will be revealed at the next big trade show.

You also might want to look up the definition of vaporware. The term in no way applies to the current situation. 

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229