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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Microsoft peripherals

Will 2008's E3 meeting be more productive this year? MSFT is releasing the "Newton" controller, the Lips device, and a possible 60 GB HDD for the 360?  Any thoughts regarding the new lips device, guesses on what it may be.  The "Newton" is pretty much "rumored out" by now (I'll wait for a reveal).  Anyone...?

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awww i am jealous, worried and over microsoft trying to look cool by doing what every one else is doing. Im jealous because I love the wii and dont want any other console to come close to doing what the wii does and im worried because microsoft seems to be taking the same aproach to motion sensing as they did with hd gaming. I'm worried their jumping into something without having a firm grip on what the console gaming market wants. It seems as though their both releasing these things to early and also to late. to late for this generation but to early because they will get over shadowed by the wiis success. They need to ride this gen out like ninty did with the gc and release their big guns next gen when the game starts all over again

The lips thing doesnt sound to crash hot either, all these things sound like the gimics that people thought the wii would be. They will push more consoles but they will never come close to equaling the presence the wii has purely because the console market is different to computers.

In the computer industry you can release upgrades every year or months or what ever but consoles have a life cycle and microsoft seems to be going against this cycle and I cant see it ending well

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

If the "Newton" is the motion controller, then I'm entirely indifferent to it. It won't touch the Wii, because the Wii is designed around the concept, and not a late in the game peripheral. Any peripheral released 2 years or more into a system's life is a complete afterthought. (Though the Rumble Pak was pretty bitchin'. Not really a focal point of an entire controller though.)

Lips device: Eh, wait and see what it is. If it's a karaoke game thing, I'll pass. I have Rock Band.

60 GB HD would be a step in the right direction. Throw it out on the market for ~$50 and it would sell in droves, I think. I know I'd get one, because $180 for the 120GB is ridiculous. My 20 GB will hold me over just fine until whatever point there's an affordable upgrade.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

no problem for you Frodaddyg but good to us 360 owners . Imagine, HD gaming with Sensor movements . COOL!!!

What the hell is this "lips" device they speak of? :S

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Classical MS tactics : vaporware.
Unfortunately for them, like with the Zune promises, this will basically be ineffective.
The only effect it would have would be to prevent XB360 owners from buying a Wii, and rather waiting for the peripheral. I'm not even sure that would work either.

eliasg said:
no problem for you Frodaddyg but good to us 360 owners . Imagine, HD gaming with Sensor movements . COOL!!!

 The problem is, any game not packaged with a non-standard, after market peripheral controller would also have to include standard controls, or it would sell like absolutely garbage. And if the game has standard controls, it kills the neccessity of buying the peripheral. It's kind of a catch-22 that way. 

The reason the Wii controls can be considered more than a gimmick is that they're standard, so developers have to planand create games accordingly.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

I don't like this. I was thinking about getting a 360. The new Arcade deal for Europe. But if I'm getting the Arcade I'm already missing out stuff, and will be limited in what I can do with it compared to some other editions, but with all these periphirals and stuff, it becomes too much. Too much upgrades for someone that is used to just get a console and be finished...


Frodaddyg said:
If the "Newton" is the motion controller, then I'm entirely indifferent to it. It won't touch the Wii, because the Wii is designed around the concept, and not a late in the game peripheral. Any peripheral released 2 years or more into a system's life is a complete afterthought. (Though the Rumble Pak was pretty bitchin'. Not really a focal point of an entire controller though.)

Lips device: Eh, wait and see what it is. If it's a karaoke game thing, I'll pass. I have Rock Band.

60 GB HD would be a step in the right direction. Throw it out on the market for ~$50 and it would sell in droves, I think. I know I'd get one, because $180 for the 120GB is ridiculous. My 20 GB will hold me over just fine until whatever point there's an affordable upgrade.

Thats BS the Wii isnt designed around the controller.  The motion controller could have been an add-on all along.

The newton controller doesnt need to be a game changer, a little success in making people think twice before they get a Wii is all MS needs it to do. Nothing more.

As for peripherals Guitar Hero and Rock Band show how successful a peripheral device can work. MS simply should release XNA Sports with the Newton and charge like $50 for it. 

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

Microsft Hackin' the Wii legaly hahahaha