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bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

EAD Tokyo's pretty consistent in being able to release a Mario game in about 2- 2 1/2 years if that's what they want to do. 

The bottom line is a unified library will always be strong than a segregated one. And a unified platform gives Nintendo freedom to be more creative in trying more new ideas of broadening the range of franchises they offer. 

You're not under the gun so much to have to deliver one of the same 4-5 franchises over and over and over again every Christmas to sell systems. You can have 1 or 2 teams satisfy that need, but then 2-3 other teams are free to make new games or revisit lesser known IP. 

Yes, but that being better is only an illusion when in reality it is because the audience is offered fewer choices.

And yes, I'd love to see more new IP and lesser known IP, but the root of that issue isn't because they aren't capable currently. There are ways. Platinum Games is making Star Fox, so why aren't Nintendo outsourcing more? Why can't these games that take far less time to make than a LOZ not have come this year? They don't have to wait to combine software to cut back on some of the more prevalent titles and release new IP or revisit old, they just don't do it... Very much at least. Kid Icarus, Star Fox, Fire Emblem and Splatoon are great examples of these. I just don't think they want to flood the market with games that aren't really going to sell.

Well, most of the time Nintendo games surpass the million copies sold, and even if they don't, almost all of them are profitable enough to justify their existance. Flops like Codename STEAM are really rare, but that is a risk that comes with developing new things. Splatoon could have easily become a mediocre seller (almost half of this forum thought that was going to be the case), but it turned out to be a smashing success. Risk  is part of the industry. Also, sometimes a console manufacturer has to justify their hardware by artificially adding variety, even if it doesn't sell that well, like Bayonetta 2 or Devil's Third.

Outsorcing more would not solve the core problem. If Capcom makes a new Zelda game, the audience don't see it as a new Capcom game, they see it as a new Zelda game, and still ask for new Capcom games. Audiences want 3rd parties too, I'm sure that most would accept a Nintendo console with 1/4 of the support PS devices get.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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