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JNK said:

GOW 3 was fully scripted while SOTC runs in real time.

There arnt even any physics for the boss fight in GOW3 scince its just fully scripted.


Alle you talked about the last of us is even more ridiculous. All your mentioned "impossible to do on ps2 things" from TLOU are from pre rendered cut szenes. You never noticed that TLOU cutscene wernt running nativly on the playstation?

Playback pre rendered cutszenes (like dvd playback) on the ps2 wouldnt be an issue.


Quoting developers and believe them "it wouldnt be possible" but claiming others people technica knowlegede...just wow :D

"There arent any physics for the boss fight in GOW3 since its flly scripted" this take the prize of most absurd comment on this whole thread (and considering the amount of insanity you spew thats saying a lot). Sure dude no physics at all, Kratos just flies around like a ragdoll while Chronos clips trough the world and enemies floot on his back. And lets just ignore that the games dev told us the tech used to make Chronos and Gaia possible couldnt be achieved on the PS2 (even tough they tried to do it on the PS2).


And you must have some issues comprehending things cause Im almost 100% talking about gameplay in the Lat of US. The contextual interactions and the advanced AI the game has coupled with incredible animations is basicaly what makes the world belivable and alive and not just a scenario where you shoot ppl. Since your example to why TLoU would work on a PS2 is a trailer of a scene that doesnt happen in game and you did confirm on this last post you think the game is just a colection of cutscenes Im more than sure you never played the game so what the hell are you talking about ?


This thread reminds me of the classic The Drill's thread where he predicted Xbox One would overtake PS4 "globaly in the US" by the end of 2015, good times.