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DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:
DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

nope your saying graphics (animations, details and co are all graphics) and physics + co is game content and thats wrong. Not beeing able to show one single video about your points just prooves this.


good day.

Youre basicaly reducing the very engine of the game to "graphics". But anyways its clear this is  an impossible conversaion, its like a scientist talking to a fervorous religious about evolution, the religious doesnt need to have any facts or know anything cause he believes he already has all the asnwer, therefore he debunks anything presented by the scientist with unfundamented belief, its like talking to a wall. Also what videos ? There are videos of TloU runing on PS3 everywhere, just google it. What I want to see is a video of a game runing physics, animations, contextual interactivity, AI, expressions and handling all these system together as well as TLoU does on a PS2, youre the one saying PS2 can do it, so plz show me PS2 doing it, with some technical breakdwon explaining exaclty whats going on there and why thats the same as TLoU.


This was my last reply to you, keep believing on "Noas Ark" cause as I said this is not a debate theres no argument coming from your side, a debate needs 2 sides presenting arguments, not 1 doing it and the other saing "show me video" or  "send me a link".


Ps3 GOW 3 boss battle:


Ps2 Shadow os the colusses boss battle:




Silent Hill 3 ps2:


your welcome:


ps: your probl right, but your not the "scientist" ;)

Sorry I had to reply this was too funy, Im rolling in the floor laughting. Altough trying to compare Shadow of the Colossus to GOW3 Titan was kinda good, mechanicaly those fights are widly different, Cronus is a living scenario basic, Shadow of the Colossus is more analogus to what happens in Dragons Dogma combat albeit its way more clunky since you know PS2 was limited as fck when compared ot a PS3/X360.

To school you just a tiny bit Ill do a very small part of your work for you, this is a direct quote form a Santa Monica dev:

“Dynamic environments mean we can take literally anything in the game, including creatures or in this case, extremely large thousand foot plus creatures,” reveals Sony Santa Monica’s John Hight, “And turn them into an environment that Kratos can now navigate, battle on, find treasures.” The idea was mooted during God of War on PS2, but only PS3’s technology allowed the developers to build it. A similar technique was employed by Naughty Dog in Uncharted 2, but Hight claims GOW3’s approach is more advanced. “Ours is a soft body collision which allows us to take any organic character, and turn it into a level. We’ve been working on it for almost two years.”

Now the Silent HIll 3 trailer to say thats the same as TloU (wich you also linked a trailer that incidentaly doesnt actualy happen in game, wich makes things even funier) was pure comedy gold, theres an abyss of mechanics, systems, animations, AI so big between TloU and Silent Hill 3 (wich isnt even a good Silent Hill game) its not even funy. If your definition of what makes TloU what it is is it has cutscenes, than heck this game could be reproduced bit by bit on a Atari, would be totaly the same game. Youre either just playing your fervorous religious card again or never played either TloU or Silent HIll to understand just how retardedly far apart these 2 games are froma  technical/technological standpoint.

GOW 3 was fully scripted while SOTC runs in real time.

There arnt even any physics for the boss fight in GOW3 scince its just fully scripted.


Alle you talked about the last of us is even more ridiculous. All your mentioned "impossible to do on ps2 things" from TLOU are from pre rendered cut szenes. You never noticed that TLOU cutscene wernt running nativly on the playstation?

Playback pre rendered cutszenes (like dvd playback) on the ps2 wouldnt be an issue.


Quoting developers and believe them "it wouldnt be possible" but claiming others people technica knowlegede...just wow :D