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there is a great point to be made that Nintendo still differentiates themselves STRONGLY from computers and and computer gaming 

the reality is that through the last few years PC gaming and Xbox/Playstation have been sort of heading for a collision course, especially as PC gaming gains traction

things like the capabililty of streaming PC games through the TV are making this even so more. also Microsoft pushing to sort of collide their Xbox brand with Windows in a way (multimedia)


Nintendo struggled with the Wii U but their games and IPs are still the most unique. we have a lot of third parties doing the same thing as each other and frankly Microsoft and Sony don't have a lot of unique gaming series. I mean what does Sony have? Gran Turismo?  a lot of mistakenly label things like Ratchet / Clank and Crash Bandicoot as Sony IP's when I believe they belong to Universal or Activision


if Nintendo makes a solid dedicated video game console they remain the most unique in comparison to PC gaming becuase of their brands. they need to stop with the gimmicky stuff

in the end not a lot is differeniating Xbox/Playstation from PC gaming at this point

I do think Nintendo could be the sole holdout gaming console in the future if they just simply focus on keeping their tech as up to date as possible and stop going in too gimicky directions

when you have the likes of Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, etc.- you don't NEED to go for gimmicks

Nintendo is pretty much the only totally unique experience in gaming at this point and it will likely remain that way. if you play Call of Duty on the computer or on an Xbox its just not THAT different