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The real question is: why do people choose to shower such a being with worship?
If this being has the power to create the universe, and those living within it, surely this being could do more to look after its creation. However, this is not the case. This being is more like a deadbeat parent whom does not look after their kids. This being has abandoned its children yet fully expects their worship.

The children look up to this being and wonder why they must thank such a being for the bone cancer it has left them with. Fundamentalists will defend this beings existence and label it the embodiment of all and the eternal example of morality.

The morality of this being is flawed. It expects praise, yet there are people who are homeless, starving, riddled with disease. This does not necessarily apply to adults, children too. There is an insect that has no single purpose but to burrow into the eyes of children. It is something that does not need to exist.
Why should people respect a god that has created so much evil, and so much corruption? This being that deserves no respect begs for the praise of its creations. If you do not thank this being, it will force you into hell. An eternity of misery. Your malevolent being is selfish and sadistic.

Luckily there is no evidence that such a being exists.