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Ljink96 said:
RadiantDanceMachine said:
Ljink96 said:
asqarkabab said:
Mr.Playstation said:

Moses- Existed
Jesus- Existed
Abraham -Existed

They all talked about the same god and there was a period of 2000 years between Abraham and Jesus.

how you know that moses and abraham existed ??

jesus is another case

like Muhammad and all other prophets 

God exists because the world was not created automaticely

Well, we at least know Noah existed because they found the ark a while back. It had the exact same dimensions as described in the Bible. And I guess, if those people don't exist then the Roman empire didn't exist too? You can freaking visit Jesus's tomb. There has been water found in which one group of h20 is hydrophobic of another, hinting at water that was split by Moses.

Ugh, why do people propagate this nonsense? Please stop taking everything your religious friends tell you as gospel truth. There has been no ark found, this is not even debatable. It's yet another Ron Wyatt fraud.

Even Answers in Genesis website tells you to stop spreading this bullshit:


Even if these non-viable sources are right, you ignore the hard hitting points I mentioned about the Roman Empire and Jesus. This stuff is documented. Jesus wasn't fake. His miracles were documented. Speaking in tongues, it's real. It's the sign of the holy spirit living within you. You think millions of people just act like they all can speak a different tongue all of a sudden?

I've witnessed a friend, who I've never even thought would be demonic, have a spirit cast out of her body and when the pastor asked the demon what its name was, it spoke through her and said "Legion". I was scared as hell that day.

There was a recorded happening in which a teenager was hit by a vehicle and pronounced dead on the scene. His brain was on the freaking street. He was taken to the morgue where his mother, with prayer and power, called him back and sure enough he woke up and told his mother that he was sorry. The doctors and nurses ran out the room, in disbelief in what they saw.

I was born with a defect in which I could not urinate. It was destroying my body. The doctors had no idea what to do, all the treatments failed. But my mother told me that one night, she had been crying about my situation and was praying that a miracle would come my way and that night, she said a figure sat down on her bed and told her that I would have a wet diaper in the morning. Sure enough, she woke up and I no longer had the complication.

When my brother was born, the doctors said he wouldn't live to see a year of age. My parents were distraught but they called a good friend of theirs to pray for him. When the friend arrived, all of the newborn babies that were crying at the hospital...just stopped when he walked in. Every single one of them. He prayed for my brother and the complication resolved shortly there after. 

You can't tell me that God isn't real. There are things that not even science can prove.


You're right, no one can tell you that god isn't real because you can't prove a negative, but that's just about the only thing you're right about. You're not bringing up any hard hitting evidence at all, it's all claptrap pushed by religious zealots with no real science behind it.

The general consensus was that moses didn't exist. There is little to no evidence that Abraham existed. The Noah story was just a rip of of The Epic of Gilgamesh, which came way before the Noah story, and no, no one has found an ark. Jesus's existence is debateable, though the consensus seems to lean towards him existing.

If you want to believe for personal reasons that's cool, and no one can take that away from you, but don't try to bring all these made up facts to the table.