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Frank_kc said:
Definitely god exists. This is to the atheists who keep denying the existence of god. If I slap you in the face, you will get pain... Can you see pain? Can you see electricity?? Can you see frequencies? If You cant see Pain, Electricity, frequencies.. that doesnt mean it doesnt exist!!!!! You can see a proof of god creation in this world.. If we take a look to the planes, cars, TVs, etc, it would be irrational if we say that all exist by themselves. There must be people who make them!

If the simple thing such as the match has its makers, then the universe that far more complex than that must be has its creator.

And for all the believers in Darwin's evolution, give me an example of only one creature who changed its species.. I only challenge you with one example... Adjusting to environment doesn't change species... a bird will always be a bird. Everything Darwin's is talking about is a theory which has not been proven and if you have a proof, show it to me.


Electricity and frequencies Are exremely easy to detect and quantify (your radio is able to filter out specific frequencies.) The brain activity associated with pain is likewise viewed with the proper equipment.


What concerns evolution... You should really do a bit of research about that before commenting. It isn't pokemon. It is a process spanning over milions of years based on simple, matbematically sound principals. 

Evolution does not occure during the lifetime of a specimen. (That would be Lamarck theory, an early branch which was rapidly disused by scientists) It is between generations that modifications are seen.


To understand evolution , one has to understand genetics; you are similar, but not identical to your parents. If certain traits that you have make it more likely that you survive than someone else, even if ever so slightly, this trait will, in the course of hundreds and hundreds if generations, be orevalent for all of mankind.


There are numerous examples of such nstural selection in historical record.

There is a certain ethnic minority which was, thousands of years ago, hit by a major disease.  Some had however a traight gibing them resistance to the disease. This otherwise neutral traight had devellopped in one of their ancestors, during his conception. In this situation, it made it much more likely for younto have children, thus, after a couple of generations, all had the trait ( as it is highly likely that you inherit a specific trait from your parent. ) 

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