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Mr.Playstation said:

Moses- Existed
Jesus- Existed
Abraham -Existed

They all talked about the same god and there was a period of 2000 years between Abraham and Jesus.


Of course they all talked about the same God. They were all Jewish. All historical figures who were Hindus have talked about the same God for thousands of years. Same with Mohammed and his disciples (though over a shorter time scale). Religion, as a cultural construct, has the ability to last over long periods of time and be passed down from generation to generation.

Buddha and his disciples were all also historical figures that talked about the same belief system. Does that mean that their belief system is correct? They don't call for any God. They believe in finding enlightenment and escaping the cycle of rebirth.


Really, this has been my problem with religion since I was a kid: what makes any modern religion any more right than any dead or defunct religion? What sets Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc apart from the rest aside from the fact that they still exist and can have a large amount of their followers born into the belief system?


To answer the OP: No, God's existence is not objectively verifiable, and never will be, because no human version of God actually exists. If God does exist, it exists beyond what we are currently able to detect or comprehend, thus making every religion that claims to know God, wrong. Of course, maybe our ability to detect a hypothetical higher being might be able to change one day. But it certainly won't have anything to do with a version of God we came up with thousands of years ago to explain our world to ourselves.