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Shadow1980 said:
Aquamarine said:

Thank fucking NeoGAF moderation for permabanning my friend NPD George / NDP Mulcair.

George / Mulcair is from The NPD Group. He's my contact at the agency in Port Washington. I helped him set up an account and actually was able to convince NPD that it was a good idea to help out GAF / other sites with some official information starting with October 2015 NPD.

But apparently that piece of shit admin Stumpokapow decided to ruin a perfectly good thing and permaban my friend because they got into their stupid little heads that he was "my alt account" which doesn't make any sense. I set up his profile on my computer and then told him the login and password because he's not very good with forums, and apparently that's "proof of an alt account" despite him clearly being a very different poster than I was.

I tried to get back on NeoGAF in the past...I reached out to the mods to be unbanned at multiple points...but they have completely ignored me. So I thought bringing George to GAF could act as a good replacement for data so everyone didn't always have to rely on leaks.

But apparently the arrogance and elitism of the NeoGAF moderators knows no bounds, and they'd rather stick to their draconian ways instead of getting more of a good thing. So you know what? Fuck them. We're done.

We all think it's utterly ridiculous that they're acting like children. This incident has really soured our opinion of the forum. But hey, what can you do? NeoGAF is really going downhill. I'm finally starting to understand why there is so much hatred against them on the Internet.

I have nothing against Chartz forums or any of you guys. NPD used to be really draconian last year so I was pressured pretty hardcore into trying to stop leaks but they've got new management lately that has been more open towards sharing tidbits of data (like hardware), hence the existence of NPD George / NDP Mulcair. This incident will probably close everything down again, which sucks.

If I can leak something here in the future with the permission of NPD I will, but it's probably unlikely.

Dang. I think I'm going blind. I didn't even notice this post before I messaged you.

Anywho, just in case you missed my message, I think most of us here would be more than happy for you guys to set up shop here. The GAF mods might be tyrants who don't care one way or the other, but I for one really appreciated getting all that sales data from both of you. I've spent the last two years digging for every last bit of sales data I could, and after poring over the data it's really helped me better understand how and why consoles sell what they do.

 That would be a great idea, and so much appreciated !

Hoping that NPD_George was not too disgusted by this misadventure on NeoGAF and could give another try.