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I know this isnt gaming related but it's on my mind! I'll think about this for months atleast. We met when she was 12 and I was 13. We been together from 2010 to last night. I can't believe I'm a single person right now. I haven't been single in soooo long. We were eachother's first true loves, we had the same birthdays, she was a blonde(i always had a thing for blondes) and also... she was INCRIDEBILE hot. But this PROVES that being hot or being attractive IS NOT the backbone to relationships. It's like we were perfect for eachother and I never thought this day would come. She would always get me video games and cool stuff. But it was last year were we kinda drifted apart and fell out of love with eachother. We didn't expect us to last this long because we were kids back then and just went out for the fun of it and we never thought it would last THIS long. We started getting serious on the 2nd year  We didn't have a devestating break up because we both knew this would come sooner or later. I'm just on total shock right now. There is ALOT of details I left out because there's no need to share them with everyone. I recently moved to a new city and I guess we thought this long distance thing would work out but it didnt. I refuse to go were she is and she doesn't want to come over here so distance won..... I need some advice or something. I feel hurt. but yet I feel happy because it's the best for both of us. We left on good terms.

"If you truly love her, you let her go"