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AsGryffynn said:
Swordmasterman said:

Yes, i'm serious, the only company that i remember that went bankrupt was Lehman Brothers, but they were a exception, because those type of deals have a high floating price.

have a lot of stages of "Bankrupt", and Some company go Bankrupt, is nearly impossible for Multi-billion company, to go on a level of Bankrupt that will not be able to make a Come Back.


Even Marvel on the 90s went Bankrupt, and now we have the Avengers, Iron Man, X-Man, and a lot of other movies and now Marvel is more sucessful than DC.


The point of this thread was to say that Nintendo, even without selling consoles will not go bankrupt, that Sony, will go Bankrupt even if Playstation 4 breaks the 1 Billion of units sold mark, and Microsoft, will never go Bankrupt despite how many money they trhow on Xbox, and this is not how the things work.


if Something is Draining money from a company, sooner, or later it will be cuted off from the Company, but the company will stay alive and strong, we are talking about Companies  that have Dozens of multi-billion divisions, the author of this thread want to say that Despite how good Playstation is perfoming, Sony, will go Bankrupt, is like that Sony, will not Cut-off the other divisions, and sell some assets to pay the Debts, and still with Playstation, and that instead they will ask 400 Billions for the banks, will not pay, and will go bankrupt.


Never a Company that still a Market Leader, with more than 50% of Market share, with this division giving more than 11 Billions of US$ on Revenue per year, a Company would never go bankrupt being the Market Leader on 2 different markets, and with one of then having more than 50% of Market-share, and with predictions to sell  Much more than their competitor, Multiple times more.


Sony, is the Market Leader on Image Sensor, out there have a Sony's image sensor on each modern IPhone, or IPad, that are the Market's profit leader on market share, also Hundreds of Millions of Iphone, and Ipad, are sold throught the year, last year were sold 390 Millions of Iphone, and Ipad, if sony make 5US$ of Profit per Iphone, so already is a easy 1.9+ Billion of profit per year.


Sony, is the Market Leader on console gaming, is selling much more than the competitor together, and is selling 3 times more than their main competitor, and is growing more and more, and probably will sell on higher rates on the future, when you are the Market Leader you can hold Momentum until you make some mistake, Sony, managed to hold Playstation 1's momentum and made Playstation 2, the Best Selling console of all times, if they dont screw everything (and they had learned from the PS3), they will sell much more Playstation 5, than Playstation 4, and so on, Google have a Market share so big and that just grow because Google, have the Momentum, and this is a example.


Tell for me why a Company will not see that they are drowning on non-profitable divisions, while they are being the Market Leader on 2 Markets ?, this really makes no sense.


i Want you to explain your points in how Sony, will go Bankrupt despite being the Market leader ?, because this thread is about saying that Sony, will go bankrupt despite any Playstation 4 sold,  Nintendo, will not go bankrupt despite not selling home consoles, and Microsoft, will not go bankrupt because they have Money, and by some crazy reason they will stay having loss from Xbox, and will stay suporting the Brand, while they are clearly changing to PC Gaming.


Alright, I'm gonna make this brief... Sony's not a beast. They are a company like all others... Any company can collapse if their cash is no longer there, so if I were you, I'd be more careful in what I say. It won't happen in the foreseeable future, but it can happen. Sony is very big and a console can't shield them forever. 


Consoles aren't even really a shield. Their big money is in their insurance and their banking. Sony could walk away from video games forever and not go bankrupt.