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Azuren said:
pest said:
Azuren said:

Question: What if I prefer Nintendo exclusives to PC exclusives? I mean, yeah, PC has numbers. But most of the good indies end up on PS4 anyway, plus there's the PS4 exclusives. So essentially, you're comparing Nintendo 1st party to Steam indies... And I just gotta say no.

"Steam indies" like civilization, total war, starcraft, league of legends, diablo, counter strike, xcom 2, WOW, warhammer, star citizen etc.?

This, among other AAA titles, the best third party support and the best indie support, is what I'm comparing to PS4 and wii Us lineup. Not to mention other benefits of pc like mods, better graphics/performance, emulation, practically exclusive genres like MOBAs...

PC honestly should be any gamers default system unless you really just happen to love both ps4 and wii Us lineup, even then its worth buiding a shite pc and playing stuff on lower graphics if you need to.

Civilization is one of those games that I hear about, I see, and I have absolutely zero interest in. It's just one of those boring RTS that try to cash-in on Starcraft popularity. I'm aware Civilization came first... But the RTS genre was made popular by Starcraft. 


Total War falls under that same classification. 


Starcraft is genuinely good, but I can live without it if I have to pick between it and Bloodborne or Smash.


LoL is actually my response to LoL. It's a Moba, and by default shows up on my radar as "skip". I understand a lot of people like it, but a lot of people also like CS, but I'll get to that. 


Diablo, another good one. But also one that I can play on console, so moot point.


Counter Strike... All I can do is sigh. I mean, it's a sickening addiction. If we were to liken FPS to drugs, CS would be a very hard drug... It would be the meth of shooters (with CoD/Battlefield being different rival beers and Halo being marijuana). It's the kind of thing that you should be scolded for suggesting to someone. 


Never played XCOM. It showed up on my radar, and then I dismissed it. Never looked back. 


Wow, are you actually suggesting WoW? That's worse than the CS suggestion.


Which Warhammer? I lose track, considering they try and fail to make a good one so often.


Star Citizen will have my attention when it has lightsabers. Until then, it's a smaller NMS that takes itself too seriously. 


You miss out on many AAA titles, third support is NOT better there (third party being legitimate and established publishers), and you get the bad indies not good enough to jump to PS4. Mods are mostly buggy and, for the most part, overrated bits of software that ruin the original game. And MOBAs aren't worth a gaming PC, especially since none of them require one.


PC is the default for people who insist on having the best graphics, typically because they grew up surrounded by PC enthusiasts. Console, in the case PS4, is for people who are logical about how much they spend on their gaming.


And both are for people with expendable income. *throws money at PC*

Holy hell.  This post is more cancer than the thought of Donald Trump becoming president.  

My gaming PC is far better than consoles, no matter how you splice it.  I will always use it more than any other system.  Consoles are for for the gamepad games like Smash, CoD, Sports games, and a few exclusives every year that are worth checking out.

Star Citizen a smaller NMS??? Can a mod ban this troll once and for all.  Ridiculous.  

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