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Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

Digital Foundry's word carries somewhat more weight than yours, as they are experts.

And there's nothing stopping the application of a lighting overhaul in TPHD except that Tantalus/Nintendo are simply too cheap/lazy to implement it.

Digitalfoundry in not telling what those two videos comparisons are showing.

Yes there is, art style that aged terribly on which lighting overhaul wouldn't has same effect like it has on WW HD. There in logic to be cheap/lazy in one Zelda port and not in another, especially when we know that WW HD is done in only 6 months.

Forgive me for taking the word of experts over a random forum member.

And whether you think the art has aged well is beside the point. Gamecube era lighting and shading stick out like a sore thumb in 2016, but could easily have been remedied if this port wasn't so barebones.