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Nem said:
Soundwave said:


There's no evidence the product is rushed. They haven't supported the Wii U or 3DS for shit for a while and their release schedule for both is bare bones looking ahead. 

There's your dev resources here. 

You're never going to get any "proof" from Nintendo because they don't give any before a formal actual announcement. 

There's no desperation from me, I don't really care when they release it. To be honest I don't even expect NX to be that successful given market realities even though I suspect they will improve on the Wii U/3DS in many areas.  It could do well, but given the trajectory their hardware has been on for a while now, I think they'd probably need a minor miracle and that's probably an unfair expectation to have. It'll have some great Nintendo games on it though so I'll buy one no matter what. 

If they launch this year, so be it. It's not a big deal, you get play Nintendo games on better hardware sooner (the horror!).


Yes! You're not to get proof until Nintendo shows it. So, why not wait for the announcement rather than trying to pass fantasy for fact(not saying you specifically, but several people)? None of this has even been hinted by Nintendo. The whole fusion thing for example, completely made up in the internet and people pass it as fact.

Its not. Just understand that we know nothing and wait for the unveil. Discussing it is all and good, but there is nowhere to draw certainties from.

I don't know where you are seeing horror though. Are you looking at this as these things are beeing said cause people have a personal wish for the Wii U to carry on? As far as i know Nintendo themselves have also said that they will continue to support the Wii U. So, who knows? All we know is that they will reveal "details" about the NX this year. Thats it. 

So, i do wish we would dial it back and wait until we know what the NX actually is. But... the internet.

Thing is you keep saying "these are coming from nowhere" but they're not. They're coming from comments direct from Iwata (with regards to the unification stuff and wanting a new definition of video games ready for about 2016, he even gave a direct time line), patent leaks, reports from reliable, proven sources (ie: Nikkei has a proven track record with Nintendo stories, they are the ones reporting that NX dev kits were given to third parties a few months ago). 

It's not like people randomly making these things up from out of thin air. There's an awful lot of smoke here and a fairly estbalished pattern of behavior from Nintendo as to how they act when they have moved on from a console (Wii U has all the tell tale signs of Nintendo bailing out on it).