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What would the new "concept" be?
The concept would be simple. To take on Sony and Microsoft. We would develop a hard core console that would actually compete head on with them. It would be technologically superior spec wise and we'd be going into the "blue" ocean again ala NES/SNES days to win at all costs. We'd take a hit on hardware and recoup via software. The console would also come bundled with a brand new full 3D Mario ala Mario 64 at no additional cost to the consumer. We would aggressively pursue all major third parties and offer them major publishing discounts based off of whatever deals they have with Sony and Microsoft. We would also promise them promotional support so their games would have more visibility. We would spend big and acquire some huge western AAA IP as well by making them exclusive to our next system. We'd also reorganize our NOA branch with some very talented people and allow them to market/manage our business in the US in a way that they see fit. No more interference from NOJ in that regard.

What would you name it?
I would name is SNES 2 or Nintendo Revolution.

What would the console look like?
It would look mature and something that anyone over the age of 21 would be proud to display under their TV.

What features would it have?
It would feature the most powerful hardware on the market which would allow for full 1080P/60FPS gameplay without sacrifices. It would feature a 1TB STD and state of the art connectivity. Online gameplay would remain free, yet our online infrastructure would be built up to XBL and PSN standards. It would have always online sleep mode, so all patches and updates will auto install while you're away. It would feature hardware BC going all the way back to Gamecube. CD,DVD and Blu-Ray support. It would have 3.0 USB, and also work with iPhone's/smart phones to double as a media center for the living room.

What would the controller be like?
The controller would be a Wii-U Pro controller with some slight modifications. The triggers would become fully analog and the rumble would be slightly increased to give more immersion.