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disolitude said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
DonWii said:
I'm not saying it won't be good.
I'm just saying it doesn't look like what Banjo fans were looking for.

Yeah, that's what kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's looks very interesting, but it doesn't seem like it really has all that much to do with Banjo-Kazooie. Like you can replace all the BK characters and it wouldn't really matter. Artstyle seems more rigid now, maybe to flow better with the dominant vehicle theme. Just seems like if this what they've been doing maybe it shouldn't have been called Banjo-Threeie. Just a thought.

Did Resident Evil 4 turn out so bad...after it pissed on everything Resident Evil games were about?

Nice try... but Resident Evil 4 was a much needed overhaul for what was an extremely stale genre by that time, plus fans had been cpmplaining about the control setup since the first game in the series so the path RE4 took was both necesary and the only real logical conclusion if you think about it.

Now Banjo on the other hand... boy where to begin... start with arguably the best traditional 3-d platformer and its sequel (both of which were far superior in every way to Mario 64 IMO).  Then, after years of waiting and anticipation from the games loyal fanbase, turn it into some sort of uninspired Ratchet & Clank/Twisted Metal/GTA hybrid of a game with hardly any relation to the previous entries in the series in order to appeal to a different user base, and sprinkle some platforming elements for good measure, whilst simultaneously pissing on one of the most loyal fanbases a developer could ever hope for.  Yup, sure sounds like a recipe for a must-buy game of the year!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.