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bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

The Wii U had like two full E3s before it was released.

Meanwhile the Playstation 4 and even XBox One were unveiled 6 months prior to launch and both have solid to great sales.

Nintendo's issue is not when they launch, it's their overall product execution. The Wii U has tons of time, and it still bombed.

Honestly I don't think even Nintendo themselves deep down expects to make something that will dethrone the PS4. 

What likely is happening is they have to replace the 3DS this year, and since NX is probably a unified platform, that means effectively it replaces both as a product line and that's A-OK for Nintendo since the Wii U has sold like hot garbage anyway. So they can't the "must do" out of the way in replacing the 3DS, and replacing the Wii U is just a nice bonus. 

Strange... Do you live in an alternate universe, because here's a video of the PS4 being revealed Feb 20

And the console didn't release until Nov... That seems like a bit longer than 6 months....

Xbone's released 6 months till and boy what a fantastic launch that was. ;)


Honestly all these "rules" you guys try to push are stupid. It comes down to execution. There is no magic number of months before launch of unveiling a console that gives you a successful product. 

There's a good chance NX "fails" no matter what. Because every one of their home consoles since the NES has been losing marketshare outside of the Wii miracle for a couple of years, but this a 30-year trend otherwise and quite honestly maybe they simply can't compete with a home console industry that's much, much more different today than it was in say 1990 when Nintendo defined everything about consoles. 

If they don't have some amazing new idea with the console NX, odds are it'll probably sell about the same as the Wii U (really crappy), GameCube (crappy), or if they're really lucky, the N64 (not crappy, just dissapointing). Doesn't really matter much when they launch. 

The plus side to launching earlier is the sooner they launch, the sooner the NX product line matures and the sooner it can start contributing to high-end profits, which I think Nintendo is anxious to get back to. They need that portable NX to start driving revenue.