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Ok. Lets clear this up.

1. GfK is not a client of Nintendo. It is the other way around, Nintendo is a client of GfK
2. GfK are a market research company.
3. This is a real survey sent out to people that asks hypothetical questions about Nintendo in the future.
4. There are other questions in this survey about other hypothetical features such as disc drive or streaming services.
5. This is not a survey commissioned by Nintendo. GfK also would not have access to this sort of info.
6. The slide in the OP shouldn't be taken as confirmation of anything. Especially as some of the 'specs' contradict each other. For example 900p is not a spec, it's a design choice.
7. Specs for the Nintendo NX are likely already confirmed at this point. But again GfK would not have access to this and this is just their own survey on the console market that they've put out. 


Of course no one will read this post at all...... I wonder why I bother sometimes.