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Illusion said:

Part of being a true Nintendo supporter is understanding that the company is struggling right now more so then they have any other time in the past 30 years. Now, that doesn't mean that they are at risk of going out of business but it does mean that their current business model (aka. dedicated consoles) is in a tough spot right now.

Unfortunately, people on both sides of this argument take extreme views that simply aren't true. The Nintendoomers insist that Nintendo needs to throw in the towel and go 3rd party ASAP (which is convenient since they would probably line up to buy the first Nintendo game that came to Xbox One). On the other side, we have the unabated Nintendo apologists who insist that nothing is wrong with Nintendo and that they should just keep supporting the Wii U indefinitely. Both of these views are harmful to Nintendo as they ignore the reality of the situation and are really just based out of selfishness (ie. "I want to buy Nintendo games without having to pay for new hardware").

People need to realize that Nintendo's stock is down because the company is in a tough spot. Just because a company is turning a profit doesn't mean that their business is necessarily healthy. Nintendo's portable market is losing ground to smartphones and the Wii U has been a commercial failure and thanks to it kids are no longer growing up with Mario and Link as household names. Shareholders know this, but the good news is that Nintendo can start to turn the ship around depending on what they do in 2016. I just hope that Nintendo fans will do their part by not exploding the internet when Nintendo announces NX for a 2016 release and buries the Wii U.

I agree with almost everything you said.

The only flaw is the "NX for 2016" part, because rushing will cause problems for Nintendo, too. They certainly need to transition from this generation early... but 2016 is too early (at least for the console - maybe the handheld). They won't be able to noticeably outperform PS4 and XBO without being excessively expensive, they won't get many third parties back on board, and they will frustrate gamers who bought a Wii U anticipating a full generation of support (these people are the ones Nintendo most certainly doesn't want off-side, because they're the ones that Nintendo depends on as ambassadors for their systems).

Nintendo isn't making as much profit as they could be, sure. But if they only look at short-term profit, they'll screw themselves over again for the next generation. They are treading water, now - they aren't drowning, they're making enough to be stable. They can't tread water indefinitely, but at the same time, they need to get everything fully in place for the next generation before starting it, to avoid such issues as incomplete OS, lacklustre launch lineup, inability to differentiate itself from its previous-gen competitors in terms of generational improvement, and inadequate hype. All things that were issues when it came to Wii U's launch.

Generational shifts happen when gamers get tired of the current generation. By the end of this year, the best-selling system of the generation (consoles-wise) will have only been 3 years old - generation exhaustion doesn't happen until about 4 years in at the earliest. It should be the "golden" year of the console (consoles tend to peak somewhere around the third year). If Nintendo releases this year, it'll be a mid-generation upgrade, and people will be wary of jumping in before they at least get a hint of what the other two are planning for their next generations. It's exactly what happened to the Dreamcast - it launched a year too early, and as a result people weren't willing to jump in.

This argument, you'll notice, doesn't apply to the handheld. The best-selling handheld of the generation is about to hit 6 years old. Nintendo has better third party relations when it comes to handheld support. Outperforming the Vita noticeably shouldn't be too hard in 2016 without breaking the budget. Gamers aren't going to be upset about a transition from 3DS to NX-Handheld (especially if they continue a little bit of 3DS support as well). Handheld game development tends to be faster, so launch lineup should be solid if dev kits are already in the hands of developers. The only part that could be slightly at issue is OS development - and as a lone issue, gamers won't be as concerned about having to update the handheld's OS - as long as it's the only downside. Handhelds also have greater overall sales potential, since it's generally one per gamer rather than one per household. So we might see NX-Handheld this year.

But NX-Console shouldn't be coming this year. If it does, then Nintendo has again miscalculated. The sweet spot is 2017. It's around the time that Sony and MS will be talking publicly about their next systems, it would give developers about 2 years to get used to the new architecture and OS and make launch titles and launch-window titles, it would give them plenty of time to get the OS ready and to ramp up the hype (and having lots of visible hype is key to getting the more stubborn third parties on board).

Not only that, but it follows Nintendo's natural cycle in terms of both generation length and reveal of a new system. Nintendo generally has each console generation last 5 years (Wii was an exception), they start talking in vague terms about their new system about 2.5 years before launch, then 1.5 years before launch they have a "lesser" unveiling to build hype - an unveiling in which they talk about a few key features of the new system and, usually, show off a few games or game ideas (which builds hype) - and then half a year before launch they have the big, full unveiling with playable demos of all their launch titles, a big celebration of their new system, and the start of the final hype train heading in to launch.

Nintendo started talking about NX in vague terms in 2015. That makes 2016 the lesser unveiling year, where we'll see the first glimpses of what the system will actually be like, but plenty will still be left to the imagination. We'll probably get some tech demos, not unlike the Zelda demo from 2011 (but they won't upstage Zelda U, so it won't be Zelda - I'm betting that they use Metroid and Animal Crossing for the tech demos). This year will be about selling third parties on the idea of developing for it, by building basic public interest in the system and showing off its capabilities. In the meantime, they'll already be well into developing for the handheld, so they'll have experience with the OS and how to program for it.



Oh, and on the topic of Nintendo stock... I don't know who it was the suggested that stocks would rebound right back up, but they don't understand the stock market any more than the OP does. The slight decline in Nintendo stocks since the drop after announcing Miitomo is due to the lack of new information to influence the market. Nintendo has been pretty quiet over the last three months. But it's the Q3 financial results time in a couple of weeks, and if Nintendo has had a solid holiday quarter, and I think they have, investors will be happy with Nintendo, and stocks will rise. Recall the start of last year, with Nintendo at quite a low point in January, only to have their stock start rising solidly through February and a big jump in March. Also note that even now, Nintendo's stock is about 33% higher than it was at its lowest around the same time last year. Miitomo was a poor choice of first announcement for their smartphone development, but I get the sense that they didn't consider it to be overly important - I'm about 80% sure that they announced Miitomo for the connection with Nintendo Account, not for stock purposes.

Either way, my point is that we should wait for their Q3 results before judging movements in their stock price.