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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Slade6alpha said:
I'm starting to exercise more using a stationary bike. One of my New Years' goals is to get ripped like Noble.

Real talk now. I got this stationary bike (it's small enough to fit in my room). So the other day I got on it, and put the tension up all the way. I rode at moderate to low for about 35 minutes. The next day, I try it and within two minutes I feel this really sharp pain in my thigh, possibly leading around the pelvic region to the groin and I can no longer continue.

I guess I just shocked my body way too fast, as this is the first time I'm really trying to exercise right. How long should I wait until I go at it again? Also should I go for lower tension, but more intensity? What's more beneficial?

Also next time I should probably do some warm ups before getting on the bike :/

You remind me of something, i got a bar this christmas to lift more weight, first day using it i put like 10 kg in weights in it, more the weight of the bar it was like 15 kg or more, i am not a big dude and my arms are not that strong, it might be so small weight to other people but to me it was a big deal, so i worked out with it and next day i had some serous pain in the  fucking arms xD, even moving my arms to eat would be painfull lol. Like you i started with way more than my body was used too and this might cause some injuries, dont push too much in the start.

You should wait the pain goes away, then start again this time start with like 15 minutes, next day 17 minutes and so on until your body gets used to it. I get small injuries all the time , those days i try to exercise or parts of the body until there in no more pain.

Warm ups are important to not get injuries, so you better do them.

You trying to lose weight ?


If you only felt the pain the next day it was DOMS. If you had felt a sudden sharp pain during the exercise then it would have been an injury. Basically your muscles were filled with lactic acid because your body wasn't conditioned enough to give them the oxygen they needed to expend energy aerobically - so it used an anaerobic method and lactic acid was produced as a result. Could also be that you had larger muslce tears then normal, and just needed to rest a bit longer than usual for them to heal.

I had the exact same thing happen to me after an extended canoe trip. Biceps killed me for 3 days straight! It will go away eventually, but smaller and lighter movements will help move the lactic acid away and get blood flowing to the muscle, without any detrimental effects. As you continue to progress DOMS will occur less frequently

#1 Amb-ass-ador