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I'm promising myself to avoid threads like this in the future. Sorry for getting banned and leaving you on your own SpokenTruth. It seems out of our control anyway.
My opinion is that women should not be held accountable for having been raped. The idea that they should be sounds absurd to me but that's as far as I'll go.
I hope you all are humbled before you're stuck with Hentai for life. I am genuine in saying that. Try to avoid the militants who just try to get your attention (so you'll attack them back) because that creates a self-fulfilling prophesy: they say men are pigs, you respond defiantly, they say this is proof, you respond defiantly etc.
If I had a wish it would be for all people here to read one Feminist scholar's work objectively. Read about the Suffrage movement, or the sexual revolution. Please don't let GamerGate and militant feminists ruin all the others' image for you.
Best of luck

#1 Amb-ass-ador