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PlayStation since 2005. Was Nintendo before. But the DS totally turned me off, I didn't like all that double-screen touchscreen fanciness. That's why I decided to get a PSP, because it looked more like a beefed up GBA to me, the handheld I enjoyed so much in the years before. I never regretted that decision, the PSP was a blast. It was the first time I actually gave Sony a chance. I somewhat hated the company before, because, y'know, they weren't Nintendo and I was a friggin' stupid child.

Anyway, because of good experience, I also gave the PS3 a chance some time later and also didn't regret that. Since then, I got more and more impressed by Sony. Today I not only have PlayStation consoles, but also a TV, two smartphones, a tablet, a camera, headphones and much much other stuff from Sony. If they wouldn't have killed Vaio, my laptop would also be from them, but now it's an Apple MacBook. =P
10 years ago, I never thought it would turn out this way.

Nintendo will always have dat special place in my heart, because it's what I grew up with. But they just can't impress me anymore today. Not only am I not that much into gimmicky stuff like motion controls or 3D, I also have the feeling that the games aren't too much different from back in the days. I do have a 3DS, but I barely ever touch it. Super Mario 3D Land, Donkey Kong Country returns and many more games just seem so familiar, they aren't surprising me anymore and so I tend to just play something else. That doesn't mean I think the games are bad, they are actually very well designed. But it's just not for me anymore. Nintendo didn't grow up with me. But anyway, maybe the NX will get me again, we'll see.

About Microsoft, well I'm seriously pissed off at that company for decades now. It all started with my very first computer which had Windows 95 running on it. It was a friggin' mess. Every day, and I mean every day, something went wrong. Constant bluescreens, reboots every hour and stuff like that made me so so mad. Windows 98 was even worse. I got that sucker on day one in the hopes that everything is going to be better, but that shit was just broken. It didn't work. Windows 98SE was okay, I guess, but not mind-blowing either. I pretty soon tried out Linux and while it needed some getting used to, it worked like a charm. My PC ran 6-12 months straight without ever needing to shutdown or reboot while still getting all updates for all the software. I loved that. I used SuSE Linux back then, but switched to Debian later. But yeah, because gaming and stuff, I changed back to Windows with XP and I don't even want to think about it. It was horrible. Same with Windows 7 and 8. I mean the systems do run, but I just don't get why it has to be such a hassle all of the time and why so many things simply won't run for no reason whatsoever. It's really getting on your nerves. I decided to switch to Apple last year because of that (and, like I said, because there ain't no more Vaio =P) and OSX is a blast thus far. It only has some problems with WLAN every now and then but other than that I didn't have any problems whatsoever on my MacBook.

I still got the Original XBox and loved it for what it was - ridiculously overpowered and way ahead of its time. The Xbox 360 gave me a headache though. Needed to send in that fucker 9 times, which reassured me in thinking that Microsoft has no problem with throwing out faulty products. Until today, I see no reason to get an Xbox One. I thought about it, but decided against it time and time again. I'm a big Tomb Raider fan, but I can wait for the PS4 version. So yeah.

About PC gaming, I used to love it as a kid. It was so much fun to build my own machine, upgrade it and benchmark the living crap out of it! But when I got out of school, began to work all day, git a girlfriend and a child, I just didn't have the time for it anymore. So I'm almost exclusively playing on consoles today. Only some games that aren't available on consoles get some playtime from me on my computer. I love Civilization, Kerbal Space Program, Undertale and some others. Just now I'm also playing Punch Club. But that's about it.

I know that's all very personal and I don't want to say that this or that machine or this or that company is objectively the absolute best or anything. It's just how things worked out for me. I also wouldn't call me a fan. I developed trust into Sony and their products, but I'm well aware that it's just a big ass company that doesn't care at all about me, but just about my money. The same is true for Microsoft and Nintendo. So while I am certainly biased, I still give the competition a fair chance to impress me every now and then.

Sorry for the long post. =P

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.