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spemanig said:
The reason she posted the rape on instagram first is because she runs an instagram that focuses on empowering women to be brave enough to speak out when they are sexually harassed and/or abused; an instagram she started because she was raped as a child and wanted to use her tragedy as a platform for change and strength. She was capturing a moment and making a statement. The longer she waited, the weaker the statement and less real the moment.

She felt it would be hypocritical of her to be such an activist about this topic with a social platform specifically created for this type of message, and then not do something so drastic now that she was put into such a situation.

And are you fucking kidding?! Dodgy? Do you even understand what rape is? Do you understand how consent works? Do you even understand what happened? Did you even read the post?

She said stop and he continued. Worse - he got violent. End of story. Nothing dodgy. It's rape. It doesn't matter if they were in the shower, on the floor, or in the middle of fucking doggy style. As soon as one person stops consenting and the other person continues anyway, it's rape. She consented to getting into the shower with him. She did not consent to being forced to her knees. If she said stop and he actually stopped, it wouldn't have been rape, but a misunderstanding that was immediately clarified. But that's not what happened. She said stop and he got violent. She said stop again and he started having sex with her. She started to cry and he kept going. She passed out, woke up again, saw him trying to sneak out, got caught, and then was "finished off" by him.

That's not dodgy. That is rape.

The only people not looking at the information she posted are people like you. I literally can't believe this is even being debated.

Without knowing the background any better, what's shady is, that this isn't just some naive little girl, but someone who actually should know better the situations where you're at a risk of getting raped. Some drunk guy puts a pressure on you to shower with him, and that doesn't ring a bell? 

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