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Lawlight said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
The Fury said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

All in all, an excellent, well filmed and acted movie, worthy of Star Wars. And if you don't like the unexplained First Order, etc, try watching A New Hope again, but removing any knowledge from your brain about the Empire, Rebels or Senate. None of it is really explained. That blank space is part of the magic. Like the black background in an 8-bit game, your imagination can fill in the details.

Not explained is fine but it's meant to be a sequel to the original trilogy is it not? Sequels usually follow on, they don't just replace what was removed and start again. If you know what a word means, know what an Empire is, we know what a Senate is (which if you watched the first 30 minutes of New Hope you'd know it was dissolved in the film), we know what Rebels are. All 3 parts of the political side of New Hope doesn't need to be explained, just we know it exists they fill their role. The 'force' parts are what our imagination is meant to fill and it is told to us in A New Hope and expanded upon in the following films.

I've said before, this was a well made film, special effects, acting etc. it was all good but as a Star Wars film? Lacking is the best word I could use.

Glad you enjoyed it however.

The Rebels, Empire and Senate were all vague entities that are pretty clearly Good Guys, Bad Guys and the Guys that Stop the Bad Guys from being all powerful in ANH.  That was about the extent of it.

It's pretty much the same thing with TFA.  We know the Reistence is Good, The First Order are bad and the New Republic stands behind the Resistence against the First Order.  The explaination level is exactly the same, and I think the goal was the same feelings of mystery as in the first movie when you saw it for the first time.  This title is a sequel, but it's also the begining of a new story.  The original plot closed with episode 6.

I'm fine with people liking or disliking the movie.  But disliking unexplained entities is a silly reason to dislike this title - assuming you liked the others - because all Star Wars movies use the unexplained as a story-telling tool to create the sense of awe that comes with lack of understanding.

Guys, "The original Star Wars did the same thing" isn't a good excuse. Those movies were a product of their times.

You miss the point.  If you say the original was good despite vague ideas but the new one is bad because of vague ideas, you're simply liking the old one due to nostalgia or being harsh on the new one because your standards are too high.

I'm not saying SW7 doesn't have flaws, I'm saying vague character backgrounds or concepts isn't one of them.