Of course rapists should be convicted, nobody is questioning that. The problem is the ridiculous reasoning of some feminists. Time and time again I hear them saying that instead of teaching women to watch out for themselves, we should teach men not to rape. But men already know that rape is wrong. The thing is that some just don't care about it. It's about as ridiculous as telling murderers not to murder. You can do that, we actually do do that, but it doesn't make those crimes completely disappear.
Women and men are responsible for themselves. They can't expect the society or the government to watch out for them all the time. So you really should think before you act in whatever way. I don't let my front door open and complain afterwards that I'm getting robbed. I don't walk through a black neighborhood in a KKK outfit. I don't go on vacation in a war zone. It's just common sense. A woman should also be careful to prevent rape from happening as good as possible. The only people that aren't responsible for themselves are children. They need protection. Women don't. They are adult, they can look out for themselves. If rape or another crime happens, that's sad and whoever did it should be condemned according to the law. But special treatment for women because of rape just isn't reasonable. It is already a crime and nobody besides some totally psychos think it's a good thing. Everyone knows it's wrong. So what actually do feminists want to happen in that regard? Rapists already get condemned. I think a bigger problem is people who get condemned for rape without any proof whatsoever. If a woman decides to sue you because of rape, you're basically fucked, no matter if you actually did it or not. You might win in court, but you will still get fired and lose most if not all of your friends, because you're branded as a maniac in society.
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