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WolfpackN64 said:
Groundking said:
Socialism and Marxists (Marx btw, was a moron with money, hence where all his stupid ideas came from) ideologies has lead to obscene numbers of people killed in the past 100 years. I really don't see how anybody can support any idea that a big government is a good idea, as government ends up corrupt, war-mongering and is immoral with its initiation of force on the populace (Taxes, making kids go to school, obscene laws like the drug laws etc.).

I'm pretty strongly right wing, people should be free to do what they want as long as what they do isn't violent against other people (the exception to this is Boxers/MMA fighters/Martial Artists etc, as they are willing to get into violent situations, either for entertainment, personal pride or whatever). The government should have no say in schools and hospitals, taxes should be minimal, and only enough to sustain a police force, fireservice and army sufficient enough to protect the country, NOT to go invading other countries. Government in it's essence should really be a regulatory body who decides, on advice from scientists, mininum standards for pollution/food quality/ etc, and set sensible laws, such as killing somebody should lead to jail, and whatnot. Other than that the government needs to fuck off out of our lives, surrender the control of money, and thus interest rates, which is where the majority of economic strife has come from for the past few decades and let people get on with life. If somebody wants to lose their minds on drugs just let them ffs.

1) Marx has one of the most coherent and worked-out social and economic theories there is that clearly analizes the problems in a capitalist society and the way by which such a society economically operates.

2) Given, Marx never formulated a clear awnser to this problem, that has been often left to other thinkers/statemen like Lenin (to name one of the more positive ones), sometimes with horrible effects.

3) But these effects were never Marx' fault. If anything, Marx' theories saved a lot more people from horrible conditions that the number of people so-called communist regimes killed. Marx' theories are still very relevant and applicable.

4) On the other hand, the objectivist, libertarian views of someone like Ayn Rand just don't work, they inevitably lead to abuse, formation of huge monopolies, needless deaths due to heavy deregulation, egotism and so on. Ayn Rand also betrayed a system that allowed her to study and gain the knowledge needed to write filth like 'Atlas Shrugged' in the first place.

I split your paragraphs up into numbered points to make it easier to respond.

1) How can anybody have a 'coherent and worked-out social and economic theories' when the person who made such theories was absolutely useless with money? He regularily exploited his family for money, until they stopped giving him money as they realised he was completely unwilling to get a job, he then proceeded to exploit the banks and his poor wife Jenny von Westphalen's (note; Jenny and her family were NOT poor, they were very wealthy, I refere to Jenny as poor, due to the horrors Marx put her through) family for money. Now of course the banks and Jenny's family also realised, like Marx's own family, that Marx was a bum who was unwilling to work. This lead to Marx frequently going to the pawn shop to sell the family belongings, so much so that at one point he was the only person alowed outside of the house they they were 'renting', as he was the only one who had a pair of pants, speeking of renting, he frequently used pseudonyms to try and make it harded for the authorities to track him down for all his unpaid debt. Later in his life he got most of his money from Engels, who inturn got all of his money from his familys business, which guess what, USED WORKERS, so we have this prat who's useless with money, and talking about the exploitation of workers, and the evil bourgeoisie, who was USING MONEY from the bourgeoisie that is Engels parents business, which EXPLOITED WORKERS, to pay for all his ridiculous bullshit and alcohol. So in effect he was PART of the bourgeoisie that he so venemously criticised for exploiting workers, WHEN HE EFFECTIVELY DID NOTHING TO EXPLOIT WORKERS AND THE BANKS AND THE FAMILIES OF ALL HIS RICH ASSOCIATES. Honestly it's like if some morbidly obese person came out with a book titled 'how to live healthily and be in shape', nobody would buy it or beleive any of the crap in it. So WHY does ANYBODY beleive in the bullshit that Marx spouted? His entire work is utter shit and drivel, he knew nothing about how the world worked back then, and his work certainly applies very little and is even more irrelavant and not based in society as in the modern day, as his crap was back then. 

2) Because he was an idiot, and was just spouting idealistic crap? And honestly the fact that you've said that Lenin was 'one of the more positive ones' tells you everything you need to know about how Marx's crap lead to untold deaths and suffering of people who really shouldn't have, that is the very definition of Evil. 

3) Are you for real? REALLY? How are they anything other than his fucking fault? If he actually had a clue about money and was interested in working and real life, and did spout his bullshit, they these idiots further down the line wouldn't have picked up his crap and ran with it to get power and commit atrocities. No what saved people from horrible conditions was the complete unregulation of the market, which lead to the argricultural revolution, which for the first time EVER lead to almost constant excess of food and a reliable supply of it, which intern lead to people being able to participate in the industrial revolution, earning more money than they ever had, so eventually they had enough to stop relying on child labour, and could do the inteligent thing, which was to send their children to schooling whilst at work, so their children could then proceed to open up a business and improve the wealth of the family, which slowly but surely ended the serious exploitation of child labour. This has NOTHING to do with Marx, all to do with the Free Market. Marx's theories are NOT relavant at ALL, and its obvious by the fact that the two biggest examples of Marxists thinking, Russia, and China, have long abandoned such thoughts, with China still having remants, which is why it's facing such economic disaster right now, whilst Russia is struggling because the west distrusts it so much and refuses to trade with the country, effectively ostricising them from all the important markets that keep a country strong. It'd be if like Europe decided to fuck America off and not trade with them, America would crash harder than a Crack junkie going cold turkey after a month long binge of epic proportions.

4) The formation of huge monopolies occurs DUE to heavy regulation, as regulation increases the barriers of entry into the market, making it even harder for competition just entering the market, as compared ot established businesses in the market, than it otherwise would be. Please show me these needless deaths? And are you for real? Or do you not know about all the ridiculous deaths in just Russia and China during their heavy communist eras?

Marx was a alcoholic prat whith no grip on reality, and should be ignored like many other idiots in history. Why he gets such praise is honestly beyond me.