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RolStoppable said:
Lucas-Rio said:

If the Wii U had two more years and a true price drop, it could have reached gamecube levels.

They released a console at premium price and now they are burrying it.  There is nothing next year except Zelda (potential multi platform with NX) and Starfox.

I bought the Wii U at MK8 release but for the NX I may wait longer if they don't kill the system 6 months after. In my opinion Nintendo should have assumed the Wii U 1-2 years more.

Well, your opinions are often ill-conceived. Of course you are entitled to have them, but you aren't entitled to receive agreement.

There's no point in reaching GC levels of sales and it is already the year 2016, so try to work on having better informed opinions.

You are free to leave this thread and never come back. I am not aksing anything from you.

There is a point not launching a new home console 3 years after the competition. A mid gen console is the hardest thing to do. It makes little sense.