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Soundwave said

So where does Anakin's training come from. He's the only human who can race pods at like 500 mph? He meditated and was taught to do this? 

In martial arts I can train for 10 minutes and then be able to win a fight with my eyes closed? This is basically what Luke does. 

And no, the Force isn't "martial arts mastery" and it's certainly the lay-man's "nerds" version of martial arts (ie: the guys who think martial arts "power" is represented by belt color). 

Those are people who are too into the freaking video games and dorky Dungeons & Dragons aspect of the franchise. 

I always thought that control of the Force and lightsaber/martial skills are separate things.

But it would seem like knowing the Force can heighten your skills, at least above the average person, above to how your skills would be if you had not affinity to the Force.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: