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kurasakiichimaru said:
sabvre42 said:
thismeintiel said:
kurasakiichimaru said:
AbbathTheGrim said:

I think their problem is not that she is a powerful female jedi, but how fast she seems to have become one.

Nah they are mad cause they overhyped Kylo Ren. He's a weak jedi-to-be-sith-trainee. It's not Rey's fault that she's better in tune with the force, the fact she has a stable mental and psychological status and the fact he has severe daddy issues are helping her cause. Chewbacca shot him too which made it really really easier.

You're saying she's a powerful jedI but without definite power levels between someone like Luke and her. Its possible near death Yoda or those unnamed  young Jedis could one shot her and Ben. 

Wow, I guess you weren't joking.

Well, I contend that you and the filmmakers are the true sexists.  One of three ways.  Either a) you are fine with her being completely in tune with the force just because she is a girl, while people on here would have been equally pissed if when they found Anakin in Ep. 1 he would have almost everything mastered everything in a couple of days, since that's lazy writing or b) you wanted a strong female character and to you that means "girl power" overcomes all or c) you don't feel girls deserve the character arc that a man would be given in having to train to become better.

For as much as they copied story elements from New Hope, Luke didn't have mastery of the force instantly. He was able to trust his "gut" (force) to launch a torpedo. In episode #2 he was able to do a force telekinesis (months after some minor Obi-Won training); and couldn't mind trick anyone until months after yoda's training and his confrontation with Darth Vader.

Luke was never able to mind read in any of the movies -- or even the books as far as I remember.

Rey was able to gain mastery over all these talents in ~ 24 hours.

The fact you keep on clinging to this when a simple explanation as a certain aptitude to the force is not even a remote possibility for you.

But ofcourse we have to go back with Luke, when he's probably the most inept to the force when he began training as Yoda said to backtrack us to the fact that Finn has such master potential when he can withstand Kylo Ren because of reasons unknown to man.

The fact Rey has to suffer these criticism because she's a woman with a gift. I mean in a fictional world where she beats a weak minded,injured, incompetent and unstable jedi-turned-sith-with-not-so-good-enough-training-in-both.

What is your star wars experience outside of the movies?

Have you read the books? The comics? Watched the spin offs (Clone wars)? Played the games ?

You clearly haven't, and hence you clearly do not understand why people are upset.