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This is the Tegra X1 versus a PS4 running an Unreal Engine 4 demo:

Keep in mind the X1 footage is recorded off a projected screen so the colors look more washed out, but it does a decent job holding its own versus the Playstation 4, considering it runs at like 6-10 watts versus 130 watts for a PS4. I believe it's running this demo at 720p too ... scale it down to 540p and it could probably get even closer to the PS4 in details. 

This chip is *not* expensive either ... it's in the Shield console with 3GB of RAM for $199.99 ... and this console is sold at a large profit because Nvidia doesn't make money off game sales. And the console is already nearing a year old.

Nintendo could likely very easily have this type of chip in a portable with 3-4GB of RAM for $200-$250 come fall of this year. Then the home version could have even better graphics, but this would allow for a lot of scalable games and even portable ports of next-gen PS4/XB1 games ... this would be a game changer for Nintendo IMO.